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Working Dogs

Wolfsbane K9 Belgian Malinois Dogs


Working Dogs Online



Website Terms Of Service makes no guarantee of how many people will view your advert. also make no guarantee that your dog will sell from our website.

All pictures posted or modified by will be compressed to a level no larger than 500 kilobytes. No file submitted to or by shall exceed 500 kilobytes.

All pictures will be displayed as submitted to We reserve the right to display any and all pictures in a thumbnail format. This means that we can display the picture at smaller sizes based on how we want the website to look. does not guarantee 100% uptime of our website. If any technical problems (ie: Our host having a technical problem or our scripts stop functioning) and your advert is unable to be displayed for any amount of time, is not liable for any damages that you may incur as a result of said technical issue. In the event of such an issue, reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to extend your advert ending date. No refunds will be issued or given.

Advertisers are responsible for cancelling their own payment subscription. It can be at any time with no notice period to K-9 We can however cancel your subscription for you if you contact us requesting it. Advertisers accounts will then be downgraded accordingly by K-9 ONLY 1 Free Account per business/individual.

K-9 cannot be held responsible for advertisers who fail to cancel their payment subscription in their own PayPal account or indeed inform us they no longer require the service and then get charged. Your subscription service is still active by default and recurring payments will be taken automatically by PayPal every month for that service.

Place your advert in the appropriate Category/Breed. No duplicate listings allowed. Services category and K-9 Resources are reserved for paid accounts only.

Place and or purchase dogs in this database at your own risk. is a service to the entire Internet. Therefore we cannot prohibit activity by unsavory and or seedy individuals. You, as a visitor or an advert poster, agree to hold harmless and their officers/agents for any and all damages, fees, fines, or losses that may incur as a direct or indirect use of this system. reserves the right to modify/discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service with or without notice to User. User agrees that shall not be liable to User or any third-party for any modification or discontinuation of the Service.

We reserve the right to retain your advert on our website, for an indefinite period of time once it has been posted. The specific advert shall not be modified after the expired paid advert period of time, except by This is usually the case when an advert is marked as sold.

Post only adverts for K-9s in this classified system. By using the service, you agree that the information you submit is accurate and does not advertise or promote any illegal or unethical activities.

Do not use our email system to spam our customers. If it is determined that you have done so, we will report you to the abuse department of your ISP/Hosting provider and take all necessary steps, technically, legally and financially, to prevent you from repeating the offense. In short, we will block you, sue you, and sink you in legal bills if necessary.

We reserve the complete right to arbitrarily and capriciously delete or modify any adverts which we feel are not related to this website, or have been cross posted, or when any field post length is too long (we will determine what is too long), or blatantly posted in the wrong category. Furthermore, any comments that are posted with your advert that are deemed to be negative in nature relating to our website will be removed without notice unless we choose to notify you. We will determine what is negative in nature. We reserve the right to disable/delete any account/advert where comments are determined to be negative against our website and no refund will be issued.

ANY links or urls posted with your advert are subject to removal without notice by This includes, but is not limited to, adverts with links or urls posted in them that solicit sales and/or business and/or are posted for the purpose of generating traffic to any site or server.

Any and all photographs posted to our website, ( become the sole property of (We have no plans to do anything with them, but this portion is necessary in order to retain adverts on our website after accounts expire and/or are cancelled).

Any violation of these terms will result in the cancellation of your account. This will effect your account access to add, add to, modify, or delete your advertisement, though your advert may or may not remain on our website.

Only the content creator can decide where his/her content is published or duplicated.


Cookies/Privacy Policy

Cookies uses cookies to store session information so you will not see the same advertisement repeatedly.

External Site Links links to other websites on the internet. Content and Privacy Policies are the responsibility of their respective owners.


Some advertisements on are provided by outside advertisement companies and may contain cookies. These cookies are collected by their respective companies and are not accessible to We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies then CLICK HERE.

IP Addresses and Logging server logs information about visitors, including IP addresses, date/time visited, referring website, length of stay, etc. This information is used for site statistics only.

Customer Information & Credit Card Transactions

Limited information is supplied to in the event of a subscription. This includes your login name and password, IP and email address and whatever else you choose to show publicly on your adverts. This information is not sold or distributed to third parties. Credit card payments are processed through and all PayPal transactions are subject to the PayPal Privacy Policy. This information is collected solely for PayPal to securely process the order, and is not accessible to Payment for sales elsewhere on our website are handled via third party companies that will become apparent when ordering

All questions and concerns should be directed HERE


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